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Hello readers! I am Melina Chow and welcome to my blog! 

I started my blog in July 2014 after one of my friends, Connie, introduced me to the blogging world. It began as a blogging adventure all on its own and now, it has fostered into so much more. 

Through my blog, I want to help others. When I was younger, there were times when I didn't want to worry my parents with something I'm going through or having trouble with. I resorted to keeping them in, bottled up inside. I looked to other means of help, such as reading articles online. Those articles I read by other people helped me get through some tough times. I like to do the same and give back, just the way others did for me through their articles they wrote. With my blog, I like to help others through their tough times or happy times with my stories as another outlet of discovering oneself and figuring out life each step of the way as I would have loved hearing when I went through tough times of my own.

I currently have three sections to my blog: Adventures, Food, and Life. Adventures include places I go to, whether it is local or out of state. As for food, it consists of all my food adventures. For my life section, it contains life lessons I have and am going through. Through them all, I like to share my stories and experiences to inspire and help others. Whether a person can learn something from what I wrote or simply use an idea to help get through a difficult time in his or her life, that is part of why I write. I want to give back through my stories and experiences.

I hope I can inspire and help you through your journey with my blog, whether you like some advice on a certain situation or you would like to see what new food stops to check out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I've nominated you for the Leibster Award! Check out my blog for the info!!

    Have a great day!
    Heather x x
