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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Five Years Ago...

Today marks exactly five years since I created this blog. Crazy right?!? I would have never imagined how far I come with this at all. It's been a crazy five years to say the least with lots of changes and revamping the content and structure of it.

I remember creating this blog and not knowing exactly how to use it other than hoping I will inspire someone, just one person out there, with what I write. As that still rings true, I have three specific areas I touch upon in my posts: life, adventure, and food. With these three topics, I hope I can help others and inspire them in any form of fashion. I never really thought I be a writer, let alone a content creator. Looking back in my childhood days (wow, so long ago...), I grow up hearing all my teachers saying that I wasn't a good writer as my essays lacked a lot of elements in terms of grammar, structure, among others. But I realize now, it doesn't matter what others say as long as you like it, keep at it. You don't have to be "perfect" even "great." As long as you like what you do, in anything, people will connect and relate to it. It's crazy at one point in my life as a kid, I wanted to be an author (writer in a sense). Here I am, writing a blog and scripts. It's funny how far I came, how my past has shaped my present and future.

As I continue my blogging journey, I see myself learn more about me and the world I live in. I still hate promoting my work because I never do this because of "likes" or "followers" but to be able to help others as others have helped me when I needed it and was at my low points.

I hope someone out there finds my blog and finds a post that resonates with her/him, whether it is to help, inspire, or motivate the individual. Feel free to leave me a comment or an email if I have! Love to hear from my readers or anyone who stumbles upon this blog. Here's to another five years of writing and many more!

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