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Monday, March 14, 2016

Sisterly Date

       Lovely Sunday well spent with the bigger sister. She woke me up around 8 something and I actually woke up! Even when it was Daylight Savings time change too! We headed to Long Beach. First stop, Mimi's Cafe. I got a crepe, my first time! It was yummy!!! It was so fluffy and soft. After that, we went to Trader Joe's and Target. 
       Then next stop, MOVIES! We bought tickets for Zootopia, a Disney movie that recently came out. It was so good! I cried a few times. It was touching, funny, and cute. I liked the story plot a lot. It got you on your toes all the time. You never know what will happen. The overall message was telling people to never give up, don't let people stop you from pursuing your dreams, and try everything, even if you fail. I really liked these messages. They're great to teach little kids and they made me think about where I am in life, as I'm heading off to college soon. Lots of choices to choose and lots to think about. The movie got me thinking about my major and what I want for my career. 
       Heading back home, we decided to take one more trip even though it's farther from home to get a drink. Crazy huh? But I rarely get to go out so we had to treasure it all the way! Off to Zero Degrees we went! We tried the Berry Milk. It was definitely berry good! Get it? Haha. It wasn't too heavy or too sweet. Just right. 
       Definitely a day well spend. Thank you big sis for taking me out! 
       Have a good week everyone! Happy Pi Day and Happy International Napping Day! 


  1. That drink looks so good! Need to try and find one! X

    Spring Vintage ootd over on -

  2. Yes! If you're in the California area, you can find a few! It has opened at several locations. (: Hope that helps!
