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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Long Haul -> Risks. And. Patience.

Eyes wide open. Teeth guard. Check. Boxing gloves. Check. Get in the ring. Check. There's one opponent. Cool, you got this. Blink once. Another appear. Blink twice. A second appear. Blink a third time. There's a total of five opponents in front of you. Wait, where did all these people come from you think to yourself.

That feeling of one obstacle/situation/task you face and four more comes at you. All at once. Do you have time to defend yourself from all the blows at you? It's scary. You think to yourself: "Can I handle all of this?" There are two strong words that suits any difficult position you are in, when you are engulfed in so much to do, obstacles in your path, and tough decisions or conversations must be made: Risk and Patience.

Risks: There are always going to be challenges/situations thrown at you, whether you are ready for it or not. It can be speaking up for an issue that is bothering you with someone. It can be traveling out of state for the first time. It can be asking someone out on a date. You name it. The list goes on. Choose to take the risk. Do what scares you the most. Those gitters, nervous feeling, heart racing. Those are all signs of you being out of your element. Out of your comfort zone. It's exciting yet scary. That is the exact feeling that will push you to grow. It keeps you on your toes and will teach you a lesson or two. By doing things that scare you, you will discover a little more about yourself. What you like. What you dislike. What you want to keep doing. What you don't want to keep doing. It will allow you to get one step closer to become the person you are always meant to be. You might even discover you can take on five people in a sparring ring when you never even thought you can even take on one person. You may be surprised of what you find out about yourself.

Patience: There are going to be times when you feel you can't reach the light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel goes miles and miles and the more land you cover, you find yourself seeing a longer distance ahead, towards the light. Just like seeing all the fists and kicks thrown at you in a sparring ring. You block and duck and you still keep seeing more and more thrown at you. When is eight minutes up? The journey would not be easy. You will feel defeated along the way. You see others winning and you still inching your way through. Don't. Give. Up. Your time is just not now. Your time will come. It just means you have more to learn before reaching your goal/destination. Keep your hopes up, have faith, and know you are on the right track. Your path is just a little longer but don't fright. Your journey will teach you so much and you will come out of it wiser than you ever would have thought.

The journey is a long haul. Take those risks. Challenge yourself to do different tasks and do what makes your heart race a mile a minute. See each blow as a victory as no victory came without many failures before. Get up every time you get beaten down into the ground. There's a beautiful future ahead for you.

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