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Friday, August 5, 2016

Hong Kong Lessons

        Back from Hong Kong! Home is definitely the best place to be. Los Angeles. Jet lag kills though. Finally got my sleeping schedule back to normal. Well... 85%. I have lots to share but I'll start off on some things I learned in Hong Kong and what you may want to look out for as well. Most are just my experience and what I picked up from my weeks there. Nothing is set in stone, so I can be wrong as well. These are only some that I noticed over the weeks.

1. Super crowded. You learn to walk in a single line at times on the sidewalks.
2. My first observation when I had my first dinner at a local food shop. The servers may put their finger in the dish. It may have touched the food or soup inside the dish or bowl. You just have to look the other eye and tell yourself, I didn't see anything.
3. Many males wear no shirt. Then again, it's really humid too. I guess there is a little slack there.
4. Oooh, this is an icky one too.. Some people spit. But then I see that in LA too.. So I guess no difference there. Except in HK, quite a bit more.
5. Escalators are used for everything. Buses, trains, subways, all for transportation. Unless you have a car.
6. This is a no brainer but I'll mention it. Everything is fast-paced. You got to move quick and get to where you want fast. No one's going to wait for you. And this is one of the many reasons why I can't live in HK. I can't keep up with their lifestyle. Too much for me. I want to take a picture of the view, and I have to watch out for people. Or the stoplight has changed already so I got to take the picture on the other side of the street. But then the picture won't be the same...Haha.
7. Some people can be really mean. I remember the first few days there, I seen an argument almost 4 days in a row I believe. Maybe 5. It was crazy. I just look the other way to not be into people's business.
8. Humidity can ruin your whole mood and make you super duper tired. You don't even want to leave your home. And you're super sticky.
9. You need to know where you are going. Your destnation. The subways and buses are fast, so you need to know where you are headed or else you will be so lost.
10. For transportation, you need an octopus card. It's for the fares, bus fares, train fares. Pretty much everything. You can put money into it when you have very little cash on it as well.
11. Lots of advertisements everywhere. They are all over the buildings but not on the apartments or where people live.
12. HK has a store name Bossini and I feel it's like a Forever 21 here.
13. Clutch bags super close to you. Always.
14. The crosswalks! Some have "look right" "look left" on the floor. Others have the spotlight crosswalks like we have here.
15. You may share tables to eat at restaurants.
16. There are motocycle parking areas.
17. Many different buses/trains/subways to use for transportation.
18. The sun and clouds move faster in HK than in LA.
19. The escalators in the mall can skip levels. (I almost got lost going back to the restaurant that one time haha)
20. The hospitals kind of have a DMV system where they tell you were to go on an announcer and the T.V. monitors.

And Happy First Day of Rio Olympic Games everyone!!! -

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