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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Friends Forever


        "We'll be friends forever won't we, Pooh?" asked Piglet.
        "Even longer," Pooh answered.
        And that is the friendship that represents the one I like to call my own between me and my best friend, Kim. Today marks the day she heads off to San Francisco to start her college experience away from home for the first time ever. I am beyond proud of her and all of the accomplishments and amazing things she has done to reach where she is now. I can't wait to see what San Francisco has in store for her once she steps on that college campus of University of San Francisco. She has been curious and nervous of the life of a college student, asking me what is it like. I gave her my advice, but it is her college story to be written by only herself. College is a different experience to step into, from all that one knows. It is a nerve racking time yet exciting time, all at once. So I like to share ten pieces of advice for my best friend one more time before you arrive in San Francisco.

1. Take a deep breath. You made it Kim! Move-in day is finally here in the palm of your hands. Let all those nerves take over you but be sure to smile along with all those butterflies. It's normal to feel nervous!And shed a tear if it comes.

2. Don't be shy to smile at strangers because any one of those strangers who turn into one of your best friends in college. Of course don't forget this best friend back home. (: Say "hi" even "where you from?". Don't be shy to say hello to anyone.

3. Go to events. Go to as many events on campus as you possibly can go to (of course, classes and exams come first). Those events are a way to make new friends, explore your campus, see new things, and experience something you never did before. Plus, they are great break times from studying and school. Go to sports games! You don't even have to know the sport. Just go and have some fun! Cheer on your school, have school spirit.

4. Explore your new home. Second home to be exact. Go with friends to explore San Francisco every now and then. It is always nice to know your area a little more and maybe find some great places to relax and chill during the semester. Explore your campus resources. There are so many and so many workshops that may interest you. Go for it!

5. Check out your classrooms. Trust me, you would like to know where those classrooms are when the semester begins. Take some time to find the classrooms before school officially starts. Take a buddy if you like to explore.

6. Now, for some school advice. I know, this is not the stuff you want to hear but will come in handy. Besides your human friends, your syllabuses will be your new friends as well. Read those syllabuses front and back. They contain everything, well almost everything, you will need to succeed in your courses. Due dates for papers and exam dates will be listed. Office hours are usually listed as ell, and they will also be your best friends in college. Don't be shy to go to office hours if you need it or need to ask a question to your professor. Your agenda will also be your best friend too. EVERY DAY.

7. Try new things. Eat a different breakfast each day of the week. Eat something you may never have tried back at home in college. Try a different method to study. Go to a different location to study or do homework. I worked in different places, and it helps to change it up sometimes. Change up your daily routine even. Take a different route to class or include some work out time somewhere during the week. Eat dinner an hour later or an hour earlier. There is never a set routine because new things pop up and you may want to include them into your schedule. You will also see the pattern to your college cafeteria after a while, so you will know when is the best time to eat to avoid the busy hours.

8. Find your college snack. I like having my graham crackers to munch on when I am stuck on a problem or having writer's block. I also drink tea, no caffeine of course, every night. You will find your college comfort food I guess you can call it soon enough. Snack time can be your break time as well. (:

9. Plan. Things may pop up. A new assignment may occur. Try to plan your weekend but keep it  flexible so you can change it. Take 20 minutes to work on an essay and then a break. Watch a music video or something. Your calendar and clock will assist you on planning things out for sure.

10. There may be bad days, rough days even, and it is okay. It is okay to cry when tough times hit. Eat ice cream to cheer yourself up (I did that!). Whatever that will cheer you up, go do it. You will feel better after and know that you are not alone. I had rough days, so I'll know how you feel. Know that your family and friends will be supporting you always. (: Feel free to call home if needed or even me! (: Don't worry. You will get through those days. I know you will. 

This next one is not an advice but you already know is that I am here for you whenever. I may be in class, but I'll have time to answer you soon enough. (: Today is another tomorrow when we are not together, so remember "you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." "But the most important thing is even if we are apart I'll always be with you." I couldn't have said it any better than Winnie the Pooh himself. I can't wait to hear your college stories the next time we FaceTime and see each other in person. Good luck in college! Have plenty fun and explore yourself! This is the time to discover yourself even more than ever.

Last but not least, happy Winnie the Pooh Day! It is so fitting for today, best friend. You are the Winnie to my Piglet. You always stood by me and reassured me when I was lost and insecure like Piglet. Now it is time for me to do the same for you. I got your back wherever you go.

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